KFL Newsletter

June 2024

Recent Achievements

Knox for Liberty volunteers continue to champion faith, family, and freedom:

· The Membership and Recruitment team enjoyed our meetup at the Schultz Brau Brewing Company and spoke with many patriots at car shows in May. Huge thanks to all the volunteers who make these events possible – and fun, too!

· Our Government team has been working to complete legislator voting records from the 2024 Tennessee Legislative Session. Watch for an introduction video and email coming soon.

· The latest initiative of our Marketing team has been giving a shout out to local businesses who share our values. If you know a business that should be featured, send the contact info to [email protected].

· Our Leadership Team is working with TCGC on our 2024 Freedom Fest. We have booked an amazing park location in Loudon County for September 28. Talk to Tracey via [email protected] to suggest speakers, entertainers, or food truck operators you know.

Upcoming Events

Join us Monday, June 10, for the KFL monthly meeting at 6706 Central Avenue Pike. Meet and greet starts at 6:30pm and the meeting starts at 7:00. This month, our featured speaker will be Carsyn Smiling, the East TN Regional Field Director for US Senator Marsha Blackburn. She will tell us How to Influence Your Friends and Neighbors to Vote Right, just in time for the August 1 election.

At the same location on Friday evening, June 14, we’ll have a free movie screening of Letter to the American Church, a wakeup call for church leaders to stand up and speak out against evil. Plan to stay after the movie, as our own Amanda Klug will provide her thoughts and answer your questions. Watch for our email and social media posts for all the details.

Then, on Saturday, June 15, we are going for a social cruise on the Tennessee Riverboat! Boarding time is 11:30AM and the trip starts at noon. You can choose to have lunch or stay topside with drinks available to purchase. Make reservations today, so you don’t miss out at tnriverboat.com.

On Friday, June 21, we’ll have our next KFL Meetup at Creekside – Good Food – Good Times, starting at 6PM. It’s a family-friendly and dog-friendly venue, so come out and bring a friend.

And if June wasn’t busy enough, we signed up to be in the July 4th parade in Farragut! If you want to have fun waving to the crowds and promoting liberty, tell Jesse you would like to join us.

Support us!

If you like what we do and want to enable us to keep doing it, make a donation online or at our next meeting. Our volunteers are extremely dedicated, but we need your help to pay upfront costs for our next Freedom Fest.

Volunteers Needed

· Marketing – If you're interested in creating content for social media, email Amanda at [email protected].

· Government – If you would like to be a watchdog on local government officials and candidates, contact Crystal at [email protected].

· Membership – If you would like to welcome new people to our group, help setup for meetings, or plan group activities, contact Karen at [email protected].

· Recruiting – If you would like to wave a flag, staff a booth, or join in a parade, reach out to Jesse at [email protected].

Liberty Connections

Share this newsletter with your friends! If it was forwarded by a friend, sign up to receive your own copy. Looking for a way to become more involved? Email us at [email protected]. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Rumble, Spotify, Telegram, and Truth Social.

We have heard some of our newsletters are getting caught in spam filters, so please add [email protected] to your contact list.

Liberty Thought

“In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech ... Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom, and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech, which is the right of every man...” – Benjamin Franklin