Legislation Update & Calls to Action

Week ending 2/16/24

Hey, Patriots!

It’s time for another update on what happened this week in our Tennessee legislature. Please watch our video below and take action on the bills listed at the bottom of this email. Our 2024 Legislation Summary list continues to grow and gives you updates and information on several bills. Please be sure to share this information with all your friends.

Make sure you have your state representative and senator on speed dial, and join fellow conservatives in the Tennessee Constitutional Grassroots Coalition (TCGC) in protecting our faith, family, and freedom!

Bills for Immediate Action

HB1913/SB1873 Child Protection - Protects the rights of parents to make decisions regarding their children's health, well-being, etc. SUPPORT this bill by contacting the Senate Judiciary Committee & House Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee, who will vote on 2/20. You can also use the TN Stands response tool.

HB2292/SB2124 Limited Government - Punishes local governments that do not support high-density housing. OPPOSE this bill by contacting the Senate State and Local Government Committee, who will vote on 2/20.

HB2694/SB2058 Limited Government - This bill creates a political committee to determine if our state sovereignty is being violated. OPPOSE this bill by contacting the Senate State and Local Government Committee, who will vote on 2/20.

HB1726/SB2359 Medical Freedom - Ends the immunization requirement for adopting or fostering a child. SUPPORT this bill by contacting the Senate Judiciary Committee, who will vote on 2/20. You can also use the TN Stands response tool.

HB2792/SB2661 Limited Government - Establishes a digital license system for driver's licenses and IDs. OPPOSE this bill by contacting the Senate Transportation and Safety Committee, who will vote on 2/21.

Keep making those calls and sending those emails! Your voices are being heard and getting attention. While you’re at it, don’t forget to vote! Early voting ends on February 27th, and election day is March 5th. Thank you for everything YOU are doing to help us protect our God-given freedoms!