Legislative Update & Calls to Action

Week ending 2/23/24

Hello, freedom warriors!

Here’s this week’s legislative update. The video below gives you a brief summary on the bills we are following. Our calls to action on individual bills will be posted on our social media channels, but you can also get all the details and updates on our 2024 Legislation Summary. Please share this with all your friends and be ready to make those phone calls and send those emails!

Also, please share the information about our coalition so that your friends in Knox and other counties can get involved in protecting our faith, family, and freedom! Tennessee Constitutional Grassroots Coalition (TCGC)

Bills for Immediate Action

SB1873 Child Protection - Establish Parental Rights to direct the upbringing of their children. SUPPORT this bill by contacting the Senate Judiciary Committee, which votes on February 27. You can also use the Tennessee Stands response tool.

SB2641 Medical Freedom – Changes children’s vaccination from being required to recommended. SUPPORT this bill by contacting the Senate Judiciary Committee, which votes on February 27.

HB1726 Medical Freedom -  Prohibits vaccination requirements for adopting or fostering children. SUPPORT this bill by contacting the House Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee, which votes on February 27. You can also use the Tennessee Stands response tool.

HB2105 Illegal Immigration - Illegal aliens do NOT have the right to TN Driver Licenses. OPPOSE this bill by contacting the House Transportation Subcommittee, which votes on February 28.

SB2568 Illegal Immigration – Temporary Driver Licenses must be easily distinguishable from TN citizen IDs. SUPPORT this bill by contacting the Senate Transportation & Safety Committee, which votes on February 28.

SB1673 Limited Government - Incentivizes mental health professionals to report potential threats in exchange for immunity. OPPOSE this bill by contacting the Senate Health & Welfare Committee, which will vote on February 28. You can also use the Tennessee Stands response tool.

Your senators and representatives need to hear from YOU. Make sure you have them on speed dial, and make those calls! Also, your last opportunity to early vote ends on February 27th, but Election Day is March 5th. Don’t forget to vote for 14 Delegates in the Presidential Primary and 3 Delegates to represent your congressional district. Why?  It's actually the delegates to the national party conventions who select the presidential nominees for each major party. Your community, state, and country need you to participate in their governance by voting. We MUST elect good, true conservatives to protect our faith, family, and freedom. Check out our voter’s guide at https://knoxforliberty.org.