TCGC Legislator Voting Records

Hello, Tennessee Patriots!

The reports are in! The Tennessee Constitutional Grassroots Coalition (TCGC) volunteers created Legislator Voting Records for each of the senators and representatives in the TCGC region. This is your opportunity to get to know your legislators and their most important votes this year.

Start by downloading the TCGC Legislator Voting Record Guide, and if you haven’t already, the companion TN Legislation Summary

The Voting Record Guide links to each of our 33 legislators. Download the files for your representative and senator to see how they voted on the top 18 bills and resolutions this year. If your legislator did well, note if their votes were not recorded on controversial pieces of legislation or if they led a committee that did not allow key bills to be heard. 

Of course, these records only reflect 18 bills out of over 1500 filed this year. If you want to know more, there’s a link to the bills they sponsored this year and last year. Do those bills reflect your values? Do they address the most important issues in Tennessee? 

Many of our representatives and senators are up for re-election. Take the opportunity to call or email or talk to them when they visit local meetings. Thank them for their good votes and ask them what they can do about your top issues in 2025. (Look at the LOSSES in the Legislation Summary for bills that could become WINS.)

Finally, when you vote, be sure to take into account how they voted. We the People must hold our legislators accountable and protect our faith, family, and freedom. Thank YOU for acting as an informed citizen in our constitutional republic.