URGENT--Advance Knox Meeting 3/28 in Farragut

Greetings, Patriots!

We are asking everyone from across Knox County to attend the Farragut Board Meeting on March 28th at 6pm at the Farragut Community Center, 239 Jamestowne Blvd #201, Farragut, TN 37934. It is critical that we have a growth plan that includes appropriate infrastructure and protection of our rural areas. We do NOT want 15-minute cities! PLEASE attend this meeting and bring your friends and neighbors. You can learn more about the plan at https://advanceknox.org. If the Farragut Board rejects the plan, the County Commission will have to create a new plan, which would hopefully include the necessary components to prevent the takeover of our farms and rural areas and create better infrastructure to accommodate our already overloaded systems.

Also, the Hallsdale Utility Board met last week and indicated that their research revealed their rates are comparable to other similar sized utility companies. Their data came from using this website for comparisons. https://etdd.org. Please check out this site, compare your utility bill, and let us know if you agree. The next HPUD meeting is April 8th at 1:30pm.

Thanks for getting off the couch and getting involved! Let’s roar, liberty lions!